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If you want the whole thing,
the gods will give it to you.

But you must be ready for it.

— Joseph Campbell

What would it look like to fully receive your life?

The epicenter of satisfaction in a woman’s life is shaped by the degree she can feel herself and how much she has landed in her own body. Despite the more linear interpretations that inundate us, most health challenges that persist in the female body are the result of a tragic deviation from this feeling-ness.

Whether it be from unresolved trauma, disconnection from nature (or nurture), nutritional depletion, or spiritual deprivation, our wanderings off the path of self-knowing and self-feeling have profound consequences to our physiology. It is in our nature as women to saturate our bodies, minds and spirits with a profound sensitivity to life. Our internal and external ecosystems flourish when we do this. To know ourselves on a cellular level is a profound liberation. And yet, this does not feel safe or sustainable for many. 

After a turning point in my life, I began to ask this question: If I wanted the ACTUAL whole thing, what would it look like for me, as a feminine being, to be ready to receive it? It was in moving, animated response to the gorgeous, masculine framework articulated in by Joseph Campbell that I began to gestate this path.

Eat To Go Deep™ is my embodied response to this inquiry. It is (and continues to be), the pathway back to the home of my own body.

“A woman who is in her body is a threat to all that is not and a liberation to all that is true and eternal.” 

When women begin to unwind and remove the distorted parts of their metabolism, their hormones, their mineral profile - magic occurs spontaneously. Nothing in the female physiology functions in isolation, and therefore everything changes.

Over the period of 6 months in this program you will be guided using the ETGD path to unearth the specific aperitif of medicine required to open your body and receive restoration. This is different for each woman (as it should be). 

Understanding how to traverse the traditional frameworks of health in an embodied way has given me a life that was previously unimaginable to me.

I want this for you, as I want this for all women.

(a sampling of material)


Virtues of Hormones

Archetypes of Metabolism

The Drama of Healing

Nourishing the Internal Family

Minerals + Your Psychology  


Eating for Opening vs Closure

Houses of Energy (Thyroid + Adrenals)

Labs, Embodied

Supplementation, Re-Coded

Womb Led is Womb Fed (Eating for Womb Health)

Elemental Legacy + Inheritance

Minerals are Everything


HTMA as an Oracle

Feminine Body, Spiritual Vessel

Mineral Mediations 

Trauma + The Path of Meaning


Disciples of Nature

Ancient Body

Eat Like Who You Belong To



  • ETGD is a 12 module program offered over 6 months. Pre-prepared content will be drip fed at two week intervals into the private teaching space. The content will include videos, journal prompts, downloadable material, + more. Live q + a mentorship calls will be hosted monthly.

  • Included is one HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) test + basic written findings, and 6 months of access to the program.

  • This is a process-oriented program. You will learn so very much and all didactic elements of the program are provided to facilitate and serve the greater opening and reorientation process that is the essence of ETGD.

  • Live question + answer calls will be hosted one Sunday per month for 90-120 minutes. Niecia will endeavour to answer as many questions as time allows for. All calls will be recorded and placed in the private teaching space for revisiting.

  • ETGD is suitable for any woman wanting to go further on her path to wellness in mind, body and spirit. We cover a large range of western and eastern diagnosis, but more importantly we do root level uncovering around these body patterns.

  • The introductory pricing does not include a payment plan. When the course launches at full price there will be a monthly payment option.

  • Your HTMA test will be mailed to you at the address you provide upon checkout. We recommend completing your test within a month of receiving it so that you receive the results before the program commences.

  • Absolutely. Six months is only the minimum time investment required. You have the option to renew a monthly subscription for as long as you'd like to continue.

  • No, this offering is for your personal process only. Please read the Terms & Conditions thoroughly upon checkout for more details.

The investment

One time
For 6 months


Hello, Welcome.

I am Niecia - mother, health arts + depth psychology practitioner.

My path to radiant health has been a steep one, full of a relentless searching for remedies and the pain of a relationship to my body not yet realized. I believe women long for this relationship and that this longing is bones deep. It is through this persistent longing that I have been sought by something I cannot name but feel inexplicably devoted to. Repairing my cells, reclaiming nourishment, and excavating my own medicine has allowed me to reorient my entire psychology and way of being in the world.

As I have named, comprehending the whole gestalt of the female body has been the beginning of a new epoch in my life and body of work. Eat To Go Deep™ is a cumulation of this work and process, and transmuting it to you really, truly, is a state of fullness for me.

Thank you, thank you.
